Profit from Children’s Kindle Books

Profit from Children’s Kindle Books!

This guide will teach you exactly how to get your

Children’s book published on Kindle.

Easy Kindle Publishing:

Profiting from Children’s Kindle Books

A really great way to get into Kindle Publishing is by creating childrens Kindle books. Children’s book publishing is very popular and there are lots of tips for quickly creating books. Your kids books can be fiction, but it’s often best to focus non-fiction informational books, because the text is simple.

As long as you have a lot of eye-catching images, and write a book about a topic that both kids and parents will like, it is a satisfying read. A lot goes into writing a childrens book, so you’ll need to understand how to research the books, where to get images, how to hire people to help you inexpensively and more.

This guide will give you tips to help make your experience publishing a kid’s Kindle book easy and profitable. It contains the following…

Helpful tips to help you write for children

Deciding on a winning topic for your children’s book

Examples of popular and successful kid’s book on Kindle

How to promote your Kindle Children’s book

Getting started on your children’s book writing journey

Get started on your Kindle Children’s book!

I even throw in the right to sell this to your customers for personal use!

“Easy Kindle Publishing:

Profiting from Children’s Kindle Books

Here’s to Your Children’s Book Profits,
Cath-Angela Hobbs

Copyright © Sojournstar Media. All Rights Reserved.

Part of our $3 report series.

Get it HERE!

Vegetarian Advantages MRR Gift

As already mentioned in previous newsletters, and blog posts, I am sorting through numberous stacks of valuable information, books, and software, some of which you are seeing added to the store(s) for resale etc, and some you are getting as gifts, either through membership, newsletter subscription, facebook groups, or simply by reading the website blogs.

Some of the things I have decided to hold in priority as I sort through this massive library, is our current global state, one thing in mind is food, shopping, cooking and eating during these stressful and unsure times. I was a bit lucky in a sense more than some, as I was raised with much older parents than the norm, in a time when the world was still reeling from the 2nd world war in Britain, through Viet Nam and on to our current days. My mother was from the old country and my dad was an Italian’British Seaman for the British Merchant Marines. Even tho I balked then, I grew up watching and eating cooking from scratch, and lots of beans, legumes and fresh fruits and veggies mom used to grow in the gardens.

We are now finding it necessary to go back to those times. Those of us who were not raised this way, may feel more than a little stressed and lost as to what to do when the stores seem bare, and going out in public is the scariest thing ever. This is why one of my priorities is, food, growing and cooking, recipes, and healthy eating. Also many of the planners I have already made, or that are in the works are also geared to this subject.

So with that said, here is a gift for those of you who are into healthy diets and eating. It is an older package, and some of the links inside are dead, as the company who first published it is no longer, but the info is still good, and you are getting Master Resale Rights with this gift to do as you wish with, just follow the original license inside!

Happy eating and stay safe!
