The Art of Digital Planning


Mastering the Art of Digital Planning: Unleash Your Productivity Potential

Embracing the Digital Planner Revolution

In today’s fast-paced world, where productivity and organization are paramount, the rise of digital planning has revolutionized the way we manage our schedules, tasks, and goals. As more and more individuals and businesses embrace the digital landscape, the demand for seamless and efficient planning tools has never been higher. Enter the digital planner – a powerful solution that not only streamlines your workflow but also unleashes your creative potential.

Navigating the Digital Planner Landscape

Digital planners are versatile tools that can be accessed and utilized across a variety of digital platforms, from laptops and desktops to tablets and smartphones. These virtual planning companions offer a wealth of features and functionalities that far surpass their traditional paper-based counterparts. From customizable layouts and interactive tabs to advanced note-taking and task management capabilities, digital planners provide users with an unparalleled level of organization and flexibility.

Mastering the Digital Planner Experience

Transitioning from a physical planner to a digital one may seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance and a willingness to explore, the process can be both rewarding and empowering. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of using a digital planner, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to harness its full potential.

Unlocking the Power of Digital Planner Apps

The foundation of a successful digital planning experience lies in the choice of the right app. Two popular options, Notability and GoodNotes, offer a seamless integration with digital planners, allowing users to seamlessly navigate, annotate, and customize their planning experience. By familiarizing yourself with the core features and functionalities of these apps, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the full potential of your digital planner.

Navigating the Digital Planner Interface

Once you’ve selected your preferred app, it’s time to dive into the digital planner interface. Familiarize yourself with the various tools and features at your disposal, such as the pens, highlighters, and the ability to resize and rearrange pages. Explore the hyperlinked tabs and sections, which allow you to effortlessly navigate between different aspects of your planner, from daily tasks to long-term goals.

Customizing Your Digital Planner

One of the greatest advantages of using a digital planner is the ability to tailor it to your unique needs and preferences. Experiment with different pen styles, colors, and sizes to find the perfect combination that suits your writing style. Explore the option to convert your handwritten notes into typed text, allowing for seamless integration with other digital workflows. Additionally, take advantage of the ability to rearrange and duplicate pages, ensuring that your planner remains a dynamic and evolving tool that adapts to your changing needs.

Embracing the Efficiency of Digital Planning

As you delve deeper into the world of digital planning, you’ll quickly discover the numerous benefits it offers in terms of efficiency and productivity. From the ability to easily copy and paste recurring tasks to the convenience of accessing your planner across multiple devices, digital planning streamlines your workflow and frees up valuable time and mental space.

Enhancing Productivity with Digital Planners

Digital planners are designed to be more than just a virtual representation of their physical counterparts. They offer a range of features that can significantly boost your productivity, from the ability to set reminders and notifications to the seamless integration with other productivity apps and tools. Leverage these capabilities to stay on top of your tasks, prioritize your goals, and maintain a clear, focused mindset throughout your day.

Embracing the Flexibility of Digital Planning

One of the most compelling aspects of digital planning is the unparalleled flexibility it provides. With the ability to access your planner from anywhere, at any time, you can stay connected to your schedule and tasks, even on the go. Whether you’re commuting, traveling, or simply in a different location, your digital planner ensures that you never miss a beat, empowering you to stay organized and productive no matter the circumstances.

Unlocking the Creative Potential of Digital Planners

Beyond their organizational benefits, digital planners also offer a canvas for self-expression and creativity. Embrace the opportunity to personalize your planner with unique designs, illustrations, and color schemes, transforming it into a reflection of your individual style and personality.

Infusing Your Planner with Artistic Flair

Digital planning platforms provide a versatile and dynamic environment for artistic expression. Experiment with different brushes, pens, and highlighters to create visually stunning pages that not only serve a functional purpose but also ignite your creative spark. Incorporate hand-drawn elements, digital stickers, and custom layouts to make your planner a truly one-of-a-kind reflection of your unique style.

Fostering Mindfulness and Self-Reflection

Beyond the practical benefits of digital planning, these tools can also serve as a means of fostering mindfulness and self-reflection. Dedicate sections of your planner to gratitude journaling, goal-setting, and personal growth, using the digital canvas to explore your inner thoughts and aspirations. By integrating these mindful practices into your daily planning routine, you’ll cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and emotional well-being.

Embracing the Future of Digital Planning

As technology continues to evolve, the landscape of digital planning will undoubtedly continue to expand and transform. By embracing this dynamic shift, you’ll not only unlock new levels of productivity and efficiency but also open the door to a world of creative expression and personal growth. Embark on this digital planning journey with an open mind, a willingness to experiment, and a commitment to unlocking your full potential.

“The digital planner is not just a tool, but a catalyst for transforming the way we approach productivity, organization, and self-expression. Embrace it, and unlock the boundless possibilities that lie within.”

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Absinthe is an absolutely gorgeous mini journal for your phone or device.

Contains only 5 sections but is perfect for short diary entries, notes, even authors can keep their

chapters separated in sections and eady edit. All tabs are hyperlinked.
8.5 x 11 inches size PDF, made for digital devices such as Goodnotes.


It’s A New Dawn

Hello fellow crafters and friends,

Life has been more than chaotic later for all of us. Along with the global pandemic we are all experiencing, we have planetary chaos causing lots of problems in our daily lives as well. We just had a flood in the back room thanks to our washing machine breaking a hose on us. A mess we are still having to deal with. In any case, we try to hold a stiff upper lip and carry on, how very British lol.

Sorry if the Digi store has not had many new things lately, partly due to life, and mostly due to that “back to my roots” bit I was talking about at the beginning of the year. I finally finished the website and launched on Leap Day, only to have the turmoil start then. I lost my best friend within hours, and that sort of took away my motivation and excitement to carry on till this week. Still a little slow, and trying real hard to stay focused, I thought I needed to touch bases with all my Digi folks before too much longer. So here is the deal.

The new store carries planners, journals, coloring books etc. I have only just started to create and load new products. By the time you read this newsletter, it is 8:25 NYC time now, I will have set a brand new sale on all new existing products. Half off right off the bat! Plus there are already some freebies there for you to explore.

The store, located at has it’s own store news blog, as well as the wordpress blog the article below is linked to. Please visit, and join the new mailing list for this store. I will be adding at least 2 or 3 new products a week, plus, if you are one of those people who like to buy and resell done for you products, whether it be artistic journals or coloring books, graphics, or software, I will have something in all those areas soon, including sections on cooking, guidance, and more. Plus I have tons of things to give away free, part of a stash of products I bought or created when my internet “roots” were more into publishing, and marketing, something that was lucritive for me at the time.

Here is a blurb from a new post on the MY DAILY AGENDA WordPress blog. Be sure to check this blog out for a freebie or two also!

You may find you have a lot more time on your hands due to the pandemic were are currently experiencing. Many will be watching the news or tweeting on Twitter etc, while some may be stuck and feeling anxious because they have no idea what to do with the down time.

I know it is hard to get motivated much of the time, especially when we all sit around and worry about this dreaded health issue, but what about putting some time into our businesses online, or even starting a blog or business of your own.
Here are some suggestions:

1: Now is a great time to create something new. How about using your mailing list to create an offer. If you haven’t yet started your email list, this is a great time to start. Create an offer for existing products, or build a new offer around a new product. Get closer to your audience, and ask them directly what they would like to see, or what would help make their lives easier.

Read the entire post at

As for the other digi store, I will be closing that soon, so stand by for that. I most likely will have a lot of retiring, or set to freebies before too long while I plan to completely refresh the stock and agenda there as well. You can always find all my digital resources at this link DigiScrapCafe

Till then, hope everyone is staying safe, and let’s hope we all come out unscathed through it all!


I almost forgot the gift!
